Delta Gamma

Chapter at Williamson County TX Alumnae Association

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Keep Delta Gamma Strong: Recommend a Potential New Member

· Are you a Delta Gamma who knows of a young woman who would make a great DG herself?
· Do you know of a woman who is excited about going through recruitment at her university?
· Are you interested in DG having quality members who are dedicated to the Fraternity for a lifetime?
These are great reasons why each Delta Gamma member should take the time to complete a DG Recommendation Form for a potential new member.  As Delta Gamma alumnae, it is our privilege to help these women, and it is in our best interest to pass along as much information to the collegians as we can, so they can make the best-informed decisions on who their new members will be.
Where do I get a Recommendation Form?

Recommendation Forms are submitted electronically from the Delta Gamma website.  Collegiate chapters prefer this method, although paper forms are also accepted by mail.  You can find the online Recommendation Form by clicking here.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the link.  You can attach a photo, resume, and additional documents to this form.  Once submitted, it is sent automatically to the chapter that you designate. 

Updated Legacy Information

DG defines a legacy as “the daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter or sister (inclusion of step-relations for all) of an initiated member”.  This year, Delta Gamma updated the membership selection policy to remove the preferential treatment of legacies during recruitment.  While you may still note the legacy status on the recommendation form, the legacy will be treated equally with other potential new members.
Thank you for doing your part to recruit new members to Delta Gamma!